Launching of RDS-Remote Support: The Ultimate TeamViewer Alternative for Efficient Remote Assistance
As an RDS administrator, technical support service, or MSP, IT professionals must face the challenges of troubleshooting when it comes to helping someone with a software-related issue remotely. That's where ...
RDS-Tools Introduces Major Upgrade: Server Genius Transforms into RDS-Server Monitoring!
RDS-Tools has announced a new version of its popular monitoring tool, RDS-Server Monitoring. The latest version is a powerful and user-friendly stand-alone software that enables RDS administrators and MSPs to ...
RDS-Knight Becomes RDS-Advanced Security to Combat Growing 2023 Cyberthreats
In light of the predicted increase in ransomware attacks this year, RDS-Tools has recently updated its RDS-Knight software to release RDS-Advanced Security, the all-in-one cybersecurity program for remote desktop installations, ...